Responsible Soul
Responsible Soul
Tavamithram Sarvada

Life is a Gift - Live it Responsibly

Being Responsible is Truly Empowering and helps you live a Blissful and Fulfilling Life.




Have you ever heard of a responsible person who made others feel bad, hurt others, committed social crimes, did anything against the norms of society or humanity in general? 

Being responsible means carrying the responsibility for all that one says and does, and not blaming others, the planets, or God for anything that goes wrong in their lives. People are directly responsible for the lives they lead. In a way, even the birth of a person was caused by them, simply because it was their own past Karma that got them their birth. Everything that happens in life, in society, in the world, in the universe, and so on are based on the natural principle of Cause and Effect. The whole of existence is on a continuum of causes and effects.

Life is the greatest gift that is being showered upon every living being every moment of their life. The least we could do in return for the most formidable gift could be to live it responsibly. 

This network aims at spreading the Supreme Divine Knowledge of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, through discourses, discussions, videos, workshops, and other interactive ways, and enabling people to apply the knowledge in their lives thereby learning to live a healthy, free, peaceful, blissful, prosperous, fulfilling and Karmically rewarding life.

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If you are a person who would like to join other free-thinking seekers and explore the world of spirituality through rational philosophy, click on the 'Request to join' button on the top of this page. On the page that follows, you will be asked why you would like to join us.

There, please type the following:

a. A brief introduction about yourself.

b. How you came to know about Responsible Soul

c. Tell us why you would like to join us.